Acupuncture is one of the main treatment techniques used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is the insertion of threadlike needles in specific points of the body recognized by this medicine for thousands of years. Our whole body is composed of meridians and in which are the main acupuncture points. Meridians are lines or channels that run through the body and relate to the various organs and systems. Inserting needles at these points allows this technique to be effective in treating various diseases and symptoms.
In this way, acupuncture regulates and restores the harmonious energy balance of the body. It is indicated for pain relief and treatment of numerous diseases and conditions, as well as acting at the level of Prevention of Health and Wellness, whether physical, psychological or emotional.
The World Health Organization states that acupuncture is adequate to treat disorders of the respiratory, gastrointestinal, auditory, ocular, nervous and muscular systems.
Some examples of clinical indications are:
Migraines and other headaches
Painful Pathology
Low Back Pain and Sciatica
Arthritis and Arthrosis
Menstrual disorders and disorders such as dysmenorrhea or amenorrhea
Fatigue and lack of energy
Heartburn and Reflux
Diarrhea and constipation
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Asthma and Bronchitis
Colds and Flu
Rhinitis and Sinusitis
Urinary tract infections or other infections / inflammations of the urinary and genital tract
Dizziness and dizziness
Among many others
Ana Sofia Rodrigues holds the Professional Certificate of Traditional Chinese Medicine No. C-006850.
Note: The information on this site is not a substitute for usual medical care, including diagnosis and advice. Traditional Chinese medicine is an unconventional therapy, being complementary and not alternative.